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Essential Oil Set 14 - 5 ml. 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic Grade Oils Bulk Lot

Top 14 - 5 ml. Essential Oil Set 
100% Pure Natural Therapeutic Grade 
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14 - 5 ml. 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils VARIETY  SET

Packaged in dark amber glass bottle with euro style dropper cap.

100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- no fillers, additives, bases or carriers added.

Click on Link Below to view our full Butters and Oils list

Lavender: lavandula officinalis  

Plant Part: Flower Head 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: France 

Description: An evergreen woody shrub, up to 1 meter tall, with pale green, narrow linear leaves and violet blue flowers. 

Color: Pale yellow with a tint of green 

Common Uses: Herbalist regards Lavender as the most useful and versatile essential oil for therapeutic purposes. Lavender is the essential oil most commonly associated with burns and healing of the skin. It also has antiseptic and analgesic properties which will ease the pain of a burn and prevent infection. It also has cytophylactic properties that promote rapid healing and help reduce scarring. The scent of Lavender is said to have a calming effect on the body and it can be used to reduce anxiety, stress and promote sleep. 

Sweet Orange: Citrus sinensis 

Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis 

Aromatic Aroma: Has a sweet, citrus aroma much like the orange peels it is derived from, only more intense and concentrated. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Middle 

Aroma Strength: Medium 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Plant Part: Fruit Peel 

Origin: Brazil 

Color: Yellowish orange to dark orange 

Common Uses: Properties for Sweet 

Sweet Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. It is smaller than the bitter orange tree, and less hardy with fewer or no spines. The fruit itself has a sweet pulp with no bitter membrane. 

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus globulus

Plant Part: Wood and leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam 

Origin: China 

Description: The Eucalyptus tree is beautiful; it is a tall evergreen that can grow up to 90 metres high (270 feet). The young trees have oval bluish-green leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark. 

Color: Clear 

Common Uses: Eucalyptus essential oil is fantastic on skin ailments (burns, blisters, wounds, insect bites, lice and skin infections), as well as to combat the effect of colds and the flu.

Peppermint: Mentha piperita  

Aromatic Aroma: Has strong minty notes with herbaceous warm undertones. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top 

Aroma Strength: Strong

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Plant Part: Herb 

Origin: India 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow 

Common Uses: It is widely credited with being a digestive aid. The leaves contain menthol, which is a proven aid to digestion. The familiar aroma of Peppermint is known for both its warming and cooling properties. Friendly to the sinuses, it is also useful to the muscular system, especially for women during monthly cycles or menopause. Properties include being refreshing, a mental stimulant and energizing. It relieves bad breath and is a good nerve tonic that helps with mental fatigue and nervous stress. 

Tea Tree: Melaleuca alternifolia 

Plant Part: Leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Origin: Australia

Description: The Tea Tree is a small tree or shrub with needle-like leaves. It is also domestically referred to as Ti-tree. It can grow up to 7 meters (20 feet) in height and thrives in marshy areas, though it is now cultivated in plantations. The Tea Tree is very robust; it is ready for cutting only two years after its' previous harvest.

Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid.

Common Uses: Tea Tree Essential Oil is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It can help to fight all three categories of infectious organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses), and there is evidence that Tea Tree Oil massages prior to an operation may help to fortify the body and reduce post-operative shock. Used in vapor therapy, Tea Tree Oil can help with colds, measles, sinusitis and viral infections. For skin and hair, Tea Tree has been used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice and dandruff. As essential oils have become more accepted by the public, the use of Tea Tree has increased significantly. This can be readily evidenced by the commercial products now using Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Consistency: Thin

Note: Middle

Strength of Aroma: Medium

Rosemary: Rosmarinus Officinalis

Aromatic Aroma: Rosemary has a strong, clear, penetrating, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top 

Aroma Strength: Strong 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Plant Part: Herb 

Origin: Spain 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow 

Common Uses: It stimulates cell renewal and improves dry or mature skin, easing lines and wrinkles. It can also clear acne, blemishes or dull dry skin by fighting bacteria and regulating oil secretions. It improves circulation and can reduce the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Rosemary helps to overcome mental fatigue and sluggishness by stimulating and strengthening the entire nervous system. It enhances mental clarity while aiding alertness and concentration. 

Frankincense: Boswellia Serrata

Plant Part: Resin 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: India 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid. 

Common Uses: The therapeutic properties of Frankincense Essential Oil include use as an antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic and expectorant. Frankincense is said to help rejuvenate the aging skin, and is effective with bacterial and fungal infections. The anti-inflammatory property of this oil is reputed to be an effective treatment for joint pain and arthritis. Frankincense can also be used as an insect repellent and is also widely used in cosmetics and soap manufacturing. It has a grounding aroma, and often used in meditation. 

Consistency: Medium 

Note: Base 

Strength of Aroma: Medium 

Aromatic Scent: Frankincense Essential Oil has a rich woody, earthy scent with a deeply mysterious nuance. 

Cautions: Frankincense Essential Oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Clove Bud:  Syzygium aromaticum L. 

Plant Part: Buds 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: Indonesia 

Description: Clove Bud Essential Oil is derived from the tree Syzgium aromaticum plant. It is a slender evergreen that grows up to 12 meters in height (approximately 36 feet). At the start of the rainy season, long buds appear. They change color over time and are beaten from the trees and dried. These are the cloves sold commercially. 

Color: Pale yellow to yellow clear liquid. 

Common Uses: Clove Bud Essential Oil is an effective agent for minor pains and aches (particular dental pain), and is helpful when battling flu and colds. 

Consistency: Medium 

Note: Middle 

Strength of Aroma: Medium 

Aromatic Scent: Clove Bud Essential Oil smells spicy and rich like actual cloves. 

Cautions: Clove Bud Oil can cause sensitization in some individuals and should be used in dilution. It should also be avoided during pregnancy.

Cinnamon Cassia: Cinnamomun cassia blume

Aromatic Aroma: Has a warm, spicy aroma that is somewhere between Clove and Cinnamon. It is slightly herbaceous with pepper notes. 

Consistency: Medium 

Note: Middle 

Aroma Strength: Strong 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Plant Part: Bark 

Origin: China 

Color: Clear yellow to golden yellow 

Common Uses: Cinnamon Cassia is highly respected as having antiseptic properties. Some material indicates that it is perfect in topical applications, and with its pleasant scent, a perfect additive to creams, lotions, and soaps. Other materials recommend that Cinnamon be avoided in aromatherapy. From a spiritual perspective, it is believed to have a warming, uplifting characteristic. 

Blends Well With: Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, Lemon, Neroli, Ylang-ylang. 

History: Medicinal use of Cinnamon Bark was first recorded in Chinese formulations as early as 2700 B.C. The herb has been used as a healing aid for stomach upset and gas, diarrhea, rheumatism, kidney ailments, and abdominal pain. The Egyptians used it as a foot massage, as well as a remedy for excessive bile. It was used as an ingredient of mulled wines, love potions and a sedative during birth. 

Cautions: Can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes - particularly in large doses. It should always be used in dilution. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Lemongrass: Cymbopogon Flexuosus

Plant Part: Leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: India 

Common Uses: Lemongrass Essential Oil is known for its invigorating and antiseptic properties. It can be used in facial toners as its astringent properties help fight acne and greasy skin. An excellent anti-depressant, Lemongrass Essential Oil tones and fortifies the nervous system and can be used in bath for soothing muscular nerves and pain. Lemongrass shares similar properties with citronella and has a great reputation for keeping insects away. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top Strength of Aroma: Strong 

Aromatic Scent: Lemongrass Essential Oil has a fresh earthy, citrusy scent.

Grapefruit: Citrus Racemosa 

Botanical Name: Citrus Racemosa 

Aromatic Aroma: Grapefruit has a fresh, sweet citrus aroma that is very characteristic of the fruit. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Middle 

Aroma Strength: Medium 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Plant Part: Peel 

Origin: Mexico

Color: Pink to and orange-pink 

Common Uses: Grapefruit is believed by aromatherapists to be a spiritual up-lifter, and to ease muscle fatigue and stiffness. It is also a purifier of congested, oily and acne prone skin and is sometimes added to creams and lotions as a natural toner and cellulite cellulite treatment. Grapefruit Essential Oil is reputed to ease nervous exhaustion and relieve depression. 

Blends Well With: Rosemary, Cypress, Lavender, Geranium, Cardamom and generally most spice oils. 

History:  The grapefruit tree was originally from Asia but it is now grown and harvested in the United States, France, Brazil and Israel. The grapefruit tree itself is a large, shiny gloss-leaved tree, about 30 feet high, with white flowers and large, pale yellow fruit with pink flesh. The differences between the White and Pink Grapefruits are minor. The difference in cost is simply an example of supply and demand; there is more pink grapefruit produced because it is sweeter than the white variety. 

Cautions: Can cause photosensitivity. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Lime: Citrus aurantifolia     

Plant Part: Peel 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Origin: Italy 

Description: This is a small evergreen tree that produces a small, bitter fruit very similar to lemon. The fruits themselves are green in color with a green fleshy interior. 

Color: Yellow Green 

Common Uses: Lime essential oil has a crisp, refreshing citrus scent that has been used by aromatherapists for its uplifting and revitalizing properties. It can also act as an astringent on skin where it is reputed to help clear oily skin. 

Consistency: Light 

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: Medium Strength 

Blends well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Grapefruit , Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Nutmeg, Orange Sweet, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Tangerine, Vetiver & Ylang-Ylang * Aromatic Scent: Lime has a crisp, sweet, fresh smell characteristic of citrus products. 

History: Lime has been used historically to prevent sailors long at sea from developing scurvy. 

Cautions: Lime is phototoxic. Users should avoid direct sunlight after application.

Spearmint: Mentha spicata  

Plant Part: Leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Origin: China 

Description: Spearmint is a native of the Mediterranean area. A hardy perennial herb, Spearmint reaches about 3 feet in height. It has characteristic lance-shaped leaves with pink or lilac-colored flowers. 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid. 

Common Uses: Aromatherapists claim the therapeutic properties of Spearmint Essential Oil are: as a local/topical anesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant and restorative. It is also believed to be an uplifting oil, great for alleviating fatigue and depression. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: Medium 

Blends well with: Basil, Birch Sweet, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Lavender and Rosemary. 

Aromatic aroma: Spearmint Essential Oil has a fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint. The major difference is that Spearmint oil is sweeter, and not quite as harsh.

Lemon: Citrus limonum 

Plant Part: Peel of the fruit 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Origin: Italy 

Description: Lemon was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. 

Color: A light yellow 

Common Uses: Lemon has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is recognized as being antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. Research has also shown lemon essential oil to enhance the ability to concentrate. 

Consistency: Light

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: The aroma is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated. 

Aromatic Scent: Lemon is highly prized for its high anti-bacterial properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. 

History: The fruit was well known in Europe by the middle ages, and Greeks and Romans were advocates of its therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil reached the height of its fame when the British began using the citrus fruit to counteract the effects of scurvy. 

Cautions: Non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation in some. Lemon is also phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. 

All of our essential oils are 100% Pure and Natural Therapeutic Grade. 

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Why Plant Guru ?

We source the finest quality ingredients and supplies from ethical producers worldwide.

We supply all of our products at market leading prices with no gimmicks. 

We never sacrifice quality for price.

The customer is always right and should always be treated the way our customer service reps would like to be treated. 

Appreciate every customer, large and small and do your best to service them.

About Plant Guru 

Our business was born online offering quality essential oils at a fair price. No advertising, No marketing plan, No multi pyramid pricing. This allows us to pass on a huge savings to our customers. We provide quality essential oils at the most affordable prices. From our experience if you stick to your principles, the business will take care of itself. These beliefs have allowed us to do great things.

Our Mission

Plant Guru is a small family ran business with a passion for essentials. "Our business revolves round this passion" As essential oil users in our personal life, We were tired of the multi marketing companies. The prices for a small 15ml. bottle were getting is ridiculous. Everyone should be able to experience the healing power of essential oils.


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 *We use a selection of shipping services such as UPS, FedEx, USPS etc.
 *Expedited shipping takes between 2-3 business days. 


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Essential Oil Set 14 - 5 ml. 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic Grade Oils Bulk Lot

Essential Oil Set 14 - 5 ml. 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic Grade Oils Bulk Lot

$47.72 $47.97 (1% off)

Top 14 - 5 ml. Essential Oil Set 
100% Pure Natural Therapeutic Grade 
Free Shipping 

14 - 5 ml. 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils VARIETY  SET

Packaged in dark amber glass bottle with euro style dropper cap.

100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- no fillers, additives, bases or carriers added.

Click on Link Below to view our full Butters and Oils list

Lavender: lavandula officinalis  

Plant Part: Flower Head 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: France 

Description: An evergreen woody shrub, up to 1 meter tall, with pale green, narrow linear leaves and violet blue flowers. 

Color: Pale yellow with a tint of green 

Common Uses: Herbalist regards Lavender as the most useful and versatile essential oil for therapeutic purposes. Lavender is the essential oil most commonly associated with burns and healing of the skin. It also has antiseptic and analgesic properties which will ease the pain of a burn and prevent infection. It also has cytophylactic properties that promote rapid healing and help reduce scarring. The scent of Lavender is said to have a calming effect on the body and it can be used to reduce anxiety, stress and promote sleep. 

Sweet Orange: Citrus sinensis 

Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis 

Aromatic Aroma: Has a sweet, citrus aroma much like the orange peels it is derived from, only more intense and concentrated. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Middle 

Aroma Strength: Medium 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Plant Part: Fruit Peel 

Origin: Brazil 

Color: Yellowish orange to dark orange 

Common Uses: Properties for Sweet 

Sweet Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. It is smaller than the bitter orange tree, and less hardy with fewer or no spines. The fruit itself has a sweet pulp with no bitter membrane. 

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus globulus

Plant Part: Wood and leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam 

Origin: China 

Description: The Eucalyptus tree is beautiful; it is a tall evergreen that can grow up to 90 metres high (270 feet). The young trees have oval bluish-green leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark. 

Color: Clear 

Common Uses: Eucalyptus essential oil is fantastic on skin ailments (burns, blisters, wounds, insect bites, lice and skin infections), as well as to combat the effect of colds and the flu.

Peppermint: Mentha piperita  

Aromatic Aroma: Has strong minty notes with herbaceous warm undertones. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top 

Aroma Strength: Strong

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Plant Part: Herb 

Origin: India 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow 

Common Uses: It is widely credited with being a digestive aid. The leaves contain menthol, which is a proven aid to digestion. The familiar aroma of Peppermint is known for both its warming and cooling properties. Friendly to the sinuses, it is also useful to the muscular system, especially for women during monthly cycles or menopause. Properties include being refreshing, a mental stimulant and energizing. It relieves bad breath and is a good nerve tonic that helps with mental fatigue and nervous stress. 

Tea Tree: Melaleuca alternifolia 

Plant Part: Leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Origin: Australia

Description: The Tea Tree is a small tree or shrub with needle-like leaves. It is also domestically referred to as Ti-tree. It can grow up to 7 meters (20 feet) in height and thrives in marshy areas, though it is now cultivated in plantations. The Tea Tree is very robust; it is ready for cutting only two years after its' previous harvest.

Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid.

Common Uses: Tea Tree Essential Oil is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It can help to fight all three categories of infectious organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses), and there is evidence that Tea Tree Oil massages prior to an operation may help to fortify the body and reduce post-operative shock. Used in vapor therapy, Tea Tree Oil can help with colds, measles, sinusitis and viral infections. For skin and hair, Tea Tree has been used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice and dandruff. As essential oils have become more accepted by the public, the use of Tea Tree has increased significantly. This can be readily evidenced by the commercial products now using Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Consistency: Thin

Note: Middle

Strength of Aroma: Medium

Rosemary: Rosmarinus Officinalis

Aromatic Aroma: Rosemary has a strong, clear, penetrating, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top 

Aroma Strength: Strong 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Plant Part: Herb 

Origin: Spain 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow 

Common Uses: It stimulates cell renewal and improves dry or mature skin, easing lines and wrinkles. It can also clear acne, blemishes or dull dry skin by fighting bacteria and regulating oil secretions. It improves circulation and can reduce the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Rosemary helps to overcome mental fatigue and sluggishness by stimulating and strengthening the entire nervous system. It enhances mental clarity while aiding alertness and concentration. 

Frankincense: Boswellia Serrata

Plant Part: Resin 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: India 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid. 

Common Uses: The therapeutic properties of Frankincense Essential Oil include use as an antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic and expectorant. Frankincense is said to help rejuvenate the aging skin, and is effective with bacterial and fungal infections. The anti-inflammatory property of this oil is reputed to be an effective treatment for joint pain and arthritis. Frankincense can also be used as an insect repellent and is also widely used in cosmetics and soap manufacturing. It has a grounding aroma, and often used in meditation. 

Consistency: Medium 

Note: Base 

Strength of Aroma: Medium 

Aromatic Scent: Frankincense Essential Oil has a rich woody, earthy scent with a deeply mysterious nuance. 

Cautions: Frankincense Essential Oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Clove Bud:  Syzygium aromaticum L. 

Plant Part: Buds 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: Indonesia 

Description: Clove Bud Essential Oil is derived from the tree Syzgium aromaticum plant. It is a slender evergreen that grows up to 12 meters in height (approximately 36 feet). At the start of the rainy season, long buds appear. They change color over time and are beaten from the trees and dried. These are the cloves sold commercially. 

Color: Pale yellow to yellow clear liquid. 

Common Uses: Clove Bud Essential Oil is an effective agent for minor pains and aches (particular dental pain), and is helpful when battling flu and colds. 

Consistency: Medium 

Note: Middle 

Strength of Aroma: Medium 

Aromatic Scent: Clove Bud Essential Oil smells spicy and rich like actual cloves. 

Cautions: Clove Bud Oil can cause sensitization in some individuals and should be used in dilution. It should also be avoided during pregnancy.

Cinnamon Cassia: Cinnamomun cassia blume

Aromatic Aroma: Has a warm, spicy aroma that is somewhere between Clove and Cinnamon. It is slightly herbaceous with pepper notes. 

Consistency: Medium 

Note: Middle 

Aroma Strength: Strong 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Plant Part: Bark 

Origin: China 

Color: Clear yellow to golden yellow 

Common Uses: Cinnamon Cassia is highly respected as having antiseptic properties. Some material indicates that it is perfect in topical applications, and with its pleasant scent, a perfect additive to creams, lotions, and soaps. Other materials recommend that Cinnamon be avoided in aromatherapy. From a spiritual perspective, it is believed to have a warming, uplifting characteristic. 

Blends Well With: Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, Lemon, Neroli, Ylang-ylang. 

History: Medicinal use of Cinnamon Bark was first recorded in Chinese formulations as early as 2700 B.C. The herb has been used as a healing aid for stomach upset and gas, diarrhea, rheumatism, kidney ailments, and abdominal pain. The Egyptians used it as a foot massage, as well as a remedy for excessive bile. It was used as an ingredient of mulled wines, love potions and a sedative during birth. 

Cautions: Can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes - particularly in large doses. It should always be used in dilution. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Lemongrass: Cymbopogon Flexuosus

Plant Part: Leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: India 

Common Uses: Lemongrass Essential Oil is known for its invigorating and antiseptic properties. It can be used in facial toners as its astringent properties help fight acne and greasy skin. An excellent anti-depressant, Lemongrass Essential Oil tones and fortifies the nervous system and can be used in bath for soothing muscular nerves and pain. Lemongrass shares similar properties with citronella and has a great reputation for keeping insects away. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top Strength of Aroma: Strong 

Aromatic Scent: Lemongrass Essential Oil has a fresh earthy, citrusy scent.

Grapefruit: Citrus Racemosa 

Botanical Name: Citrus Racemosa 

Aromatic Aroma: Grapefruit has a fresh, sweet citrus aroma that is very characteristic of the fruit. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Middle 

Aroma Strength: Medium 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Plant Part: Peel 

Origin: Mexico

Color: Pink to and orange-pink 

Common Uses: Grapefruit is believed by aromatherapists to be a spiritual up-lifter, and to ease muscle fatigue and stiffness. It is also a purifier of congested, oily and acne prone skin and is sometimes added to creams and lotions as a natural toner and cellulite cellulite treatment. Grapefruit Essential Oil is reputed to ease nervous exhaustion and relieve depression. 

Blends Well With: Rosemary, Cypress, Lavender, Geranium, Cardamom and generally most spice oils. 

History:  The grapefruit tree was originally from Asia but it is now grown and harvested in the United States, France, Brazil and Israel. The grapefruit tree itself is a large, shiny gloss-leaved tree, about 30 feet high, with white flowers and large, pale yellow fruit with pink flesh. The differences between the White and Pink Grapefruits are minor. The difference in cost is simply an example of supply and demand; there is more pink grapefruit produced because it is sweeter than the white variety. 

Cautions: Can cause photosensitivity. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Lime: Citrus aurantifolia     

Plant Part: Peel 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Origin: Italy 

Description: This is a small evergreen tree that produces a small, bitter fruit very similar to lemon. The fruits themselves are green in color with a green fleshy interior. 

Color: Yellow Green 

Common Uses: Lime essential oil has a crisp, refreshing citrus scent that has been used by aromatherapists for its uplifting and revitalizing properties. It can also act as an astringent on skin where it is reputed to help clear oily skin. 

Consistency: Light 

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: Medium Strength 

Blends well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Grapefruit , Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Nutmeg, Orange Sweet, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Tangerine, Vetiver & Ylang-Ylang * Aromatic Scent: Lime has a crisp, sweet, fresh smell characteristic of citrus products. 

History: Lime has been used historically to prevent sailors long at sea from developing scurvy. 

Cautions: Lime is phototoxic. Users should avoid direct sunlight after application.

Spearmint: Mentha spicata  

Plant Part: Leaves 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Origin: China 

Description: Spearmint is a native of the Mediterranean area. A hardy perennial herb, Spearmint reaches about 3 feet in height. It has characteristic lance-shaped leaves with pink or lilac-colored flowers. 

Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid. 

Common Uses: Aromatherapists claim the therapeutic properties of Spearmint Essential Oil are: as a local/topical anesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant and restorative. It is also believed to be an uplifting oil, great for alleviating fatigue and depression. 

Consistency: Thin 

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: Medium 

Blends well with: Basil, Birch Sweet, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Lavender and Rosemary. 

Aromatic aroma: Spearmint Essential Oil has a fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint. The major difference is that Spearmint oil is sweeter, and not quite as harsh.

Lemon: Citrus limonum 

Plant Part: Peel of the fruit 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Origin: Italy 

Description: Lemon was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. 

Color: A light yellow 

Common Uses: Lemon has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is recognized as being antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. Research has also shown lemon essential oil to enhance the ability to concentrate. 

Consistency: Light

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: The aroma is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated. 

Aromatic Scent: Lemon is highly prized for its high anti-bacterial properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. 

History: The fruit was well known in Europe by the middle ages, and Greeks and Romans were advocates of its therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil reached the height of its fame when the British began using the citrus fruit to counteract the effects of scurvy. 

Cautions: Non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation in some. Lemon is also phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. 

All of our essential oils are 100% Pure and Natural Therapeutic Grade. 

We carry over a 150 
different Natural Essential Oils and Blends.
If you do not find the oil you are looking for here, 
visit our eBay Store for more listings. 
Why Plant Guru ?

We source the finest quality ingredients and supplies from ethical producers worldwide.

We supply all of our products at market leading prices with no gimmicks. 

We never sacrifice quality for price.

The customer is always right and should always be treated the way our customer service reps would like to be treated. 

Appreciate every customer, large and small and do your best to service them.

About Plant Guru 

Our business was born online offering quality essential oils at a fair price. No advertising, No marketing plan, No multi pyramid pricing. This allows us to pass on a huge savings to our customers. We provide quality essential oils at the most affordable prices. From our experience if you stick to your principles, the business will take care of itself. These beliefs have allowed us to do great things.

Our Mission

Plant Guru is a small family ran business with a passion for essentials. "Our business revolves round this passion" As essential oil users in our personal life, We were tired of the multi marketing companies. The prices for a small 15ml. bottle were getting is ridiculous. Everyone should be able to experience the healing power of essential oils.


   We ship within one business days of payment, usually sooner. 

*Standard Shipping takes between 3-5 business days.

 *We use a selection of shipping services such as UPS, FedEx, USPS etc.
 *Expedited shipping takes between 2-3 business days. 


* Positive feedback is provided on every transaction you make with us and we ask that you do the same.
*Once we have been notified that you have received your item and are happy with it, we will post you a feedback.
* If for any reason, if you decide to leave a neutral or negative feedback, please contact us first and let us mutually resolve it. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them!
*We care for your satisfaction and will make sure that you are happy with the transaction to post us your FIVE STAR ratings in all areas. 

  • Condition: New
  • Model: Essential Oil set
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Material: Glass
  • Type: Essential Oil
  • Number in Pack: 14
  • Features: Colorful, Deodorizer, Diffuser, Disinfectant, Hypoallergenic, Odor Eliminator
  • Color: Blue
  • Container Type: Box, Dropper Bottle, Glass Bottle
  • Brand: Plant Guru
  • For: Aromatherapy
  • Labels & Certifications: 100% Concentrated, Organic
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Scent: Clove, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Peppermint, Rosemary, Spearmint, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree
  • UPC: 619159819342

Shipping Summary:

  • Packages are shipped from Monday to Friday.
  • The usual time for processing an order is 1 to 3 business days, but may vary depending on the availability of products ordered. This period excludes delivery times, which depend on your geographic location.
  • We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. Each individual product may be shipped from different fulfillment centers across the globe as our product research team spends the time to source quality yet affordable products. 

Estimated delivery times:

  • Standard Shipping: 3-7 business days
  • Expedited Shipping: 2-5 business days
  • International Shipping: 10 - 15 business days

Please note that these are estimates, not guarantees. Delivery time depends on a number of variables, and there may be delays such as bad weather affecting air transport, or a package being held for inspection by Customs. ibspot is not liable for any delays in international transportation or customs clearance.

Shipments can be delivered directly to most addresses, except post office boxes. However, in certain remote areas, there may be an additional delivery charge or you may need to pick up your package from the closest service location of ibspot's shipping partner.

Shipping Status: 

As soon as your order ships, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email that includes your tracking number. 

If you don't receive a shipping confirmation email right away, don't worry! We know the delivery date or date range provided at checkout and we'll be sure to deliver the items within that timeframe.

Order changes: 

Please contact our customer support if the order needs to be canceled or modified.

Item not received: 

If you've successfully placed an order and haven't received it yet while the tracking status shows it's delivered. you'd wish to contact the carrier to hunt out your Cover as once the item is Covered we  have control over it (once it’s by the carrier), but if still persists kindly email us 

Damaged Parcel
If your package has been delivered in a PO Box, please note that we are not responsible for any damage that may result (consequences of extreme temperatures, theft, etc.). 

If you have any questions regarding shipping or want to know about the status of an order, please contact us or email to


Please Read Our Return & Refund Policy Carefully: 


You may return most items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.

Additional non-returnable items:

  • Gift cards
  • Downloadable software products
  • Some health and personal care items

To complete your return, we require a tracking number, which shows the items which you already returned to us.
There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)

  • Book with obvious signs of use
  • CD, DVD, VHS tape, software, video game, cassette tape, or vinyl record that has been opened
  • Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error
  • Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery

Items returned to us as a result of our error will receive a full refund,some returns may be subject to a restocking fee of 7% of the total item price, please contact a customer care team member to see if your return is subject. Returns that arrived on time and were as described are subject to a restocking fee.

Items returned to us that were not the result of our error, including items returned to us due to an invalid or incomplete address, will be refunded the original item price less our standard restocking fees.

You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).

If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.

Shipping Cost

We'll pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). In other cases, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

If you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.


  • Purchases may be returned within 30 days of the shipping date for a refund. 
  • Refund will be issued to your original form of payment.
  • Refunds for orders purchased with IBSPOT Gift Cards and/or IBSPOT Notes will be issued as a  IBSPOT Gift Card and mailed to the original billing address. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash unless  required by law. 

Refund Processing 

• Returns to a IBSPOT store will be refunded to the original form of payment or gift card. • Mail-in returns with our prepaid return label will be refunded back to the original form of payment within 3-5  business days after we receive your return. Please allow 5-7 business days for your return to arrive at our Returns Center. 

• Note: It may take a few days until your bank posts the refund to your account. 


Claims related to the product. Be sure to check the details of your purchase carefully before you make the payment, and  check the contents of the package(s) promptly upon receipt. If you have a problem with the product, visit our Support  Center to find out about return shipping arrangements. 



If you discover your order is flawed please contact us Mail: With photos of the wrong product we will providing a return shipping label. Once it is tracking we will ship a replacement a product immediately. 

Damages and issues 

Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective,  damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right. 

Exceptions / non-returnable items 

Certain types of items cannot be returned, like perishable goods (such as food, flowers, or plants),  custom products (such as special orders or personalized items), and personal care goods (such as  beauty products). We also do not accept returns for hazardous materials, flammable liquids, or  gases. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards. 


The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return  is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item. 


Sorry, it looks like some products are not available in selected quantity.


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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.