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6-year-old, shopping bag included, 100 Korean Taegeuk hemp powder, holiday gift gift set, Chuseok gift set, Chuseok gift / 6년근 쇼핑백포함 고려태극삼분말100 명절선물선물세트추석선물세트추석선물

6-year-old, shopping bag included, 100 Korean Taegeuk hemp powder, holiday gift gift set, Chuseok gift set, Chuseok gift



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6-year-old, shopping bag included, 100 Korean Taegeuk hemp powder, holiday gift gift set, Chuseok gift set, Chuseok gift / 6년근  쇼핑백포함 고려태극삼분말100 명절선물선물세트추석선물세트추석선물

6-year-old, shopping bag included, 100 Korean Taegeuk hemp powder, holiday gi...

$182.61 $183.13 (0% off)

6년근쇼핑백포함고려태극삼분말100 명절선물선물세트추석선물세트추석선물
  • 제품명: [도매특가] 6년근고려태극삼분말100% (300g)/ 쇼핑백포함
  • 제조업소의명칭과소재지: (주)화인내츄럴
  • 소비기한및보관방법: 제조일자: 2021년05월10일유통기한: 2024년05월09일까지
  • 포장단위별내용물의용량(중량), 수량: 태극인삼분말300g
  • 원(재)료명및함량: 태극인삼분말100%
  • 영양정보: 상세정보별도표기
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  • 소비자상담관련전화번호: 010-4870-4762
  • More Image Description:

    천일보 6년근고려태극삼분말300g (박스입수량15입)

    Tianyibao 6-year-old Korean Taichi ginseng powder 100% 300g ( 100% Korean product in gift box )

    6 years old korean Taekuk Ginseng Powder 100%

    (Cheonilbo) Bột Thái cực sâm Cao Ly 6 năm tuổi 300g 100%

    ▶ 제품의유형: 건강기능식품(인삼제품) ▶원료명및함량: 태극삼농축액(진세노사이드Rg1과Rb1의 합2mg/g,6년근,방사선조사,,국산)100% ▶ 내용량: 300g(100gx3개입) ▶카톤입수량: 15입

    ▶ 섭취방법 : 1일2회, 1회2g (2스푼)을온수나냉수80ml에넣어잘저은후음용하십시오.

    ▶ 주의사항: 의약품(당뇨치료제, 혈액항응고제) 복용시섭취에주의하십시오.알레르기등특이 체질의경우성분을확인하신후섭취하십시오.

    *본제품은대한민국특산품인6년근수삼을깨끗히세척후수삼을열탕기에삶아말린것으로, 철저한 검사과정을거친우수태극삼을분말로만든태극삼100% 분말입니다.


    (Cheonilbo) Bột Thái cực sâm Cao Ly 6 năm tuổi 300g 100%

    Loại sản phẩm : Thực phẩm chức năng tăng cường sức khỏe(Sản phẩm nhân sâm)

    Ginsenosides Rg1 và Rb1 2mg/g, 6 năm tuổi, kiểm tra tia phóng xạ, Hàn Qu ốc)100%

    Trọng lượng : 300g (100g x 3cái) Số lượng chứa đựng trong thùng carton: 15 cái

    Cách dùng : 1 ngày 2 lần , mỗi lần lấy 2g (2 thìa) ra và pha đều với 80ml nước nóng hoặc nước lạnh để uống.

    Điều chú ý : Đang uống thuốc (Thuốc chữa tiêu đường, thuốc chống đông máu) thì phải chú ý dùng sản phẩm này. ng hợp người có thể chất đặc biệt như thể chất dễ bị di ứng thì hãy kiểm tra thành phần trước khi dùng.

    * Sản phẩm này được làm bằng từ sâm tươi 6 năm tuổi mà đặc sản của Hàn Quốc và sau khi rửa sạch, hấp sâm tươi b ằng máy đun nóng rồi sấy khô, là bột Thái cực sâm 100% làm từ bột Thái cực sâm ưu tú đã thông qua quá trình kiểm tra chặt chẽ.

    (Có thể giúp cho cải thiện mệt mỏi và tăng cường hệ miễn dịch)

    Product category : Healthy functional food

    Content capacity: 300g (100gx3 bottles)

      Ingredient content: Taichi ginseng powder (Ginsenoside Rg1, Rb1 total 2 mg/g, 6-year-old root, produced in Korea) 100%
      How to take: Take once in the morning and once in the evening. Take 1 or 2 spoons each time and drink with warm or cold water. If you add some honey, the taste will be better
      This product is purely a specialty product of the Republic of Korea. It is made with 100% Korean Taichi ginseng as raw material under strict quality control.

    Usage and dosage: Take a special small spoon of ginseng powder and mix it with warm water and hot water, add some honey, or put it in milk, juice, porridge, soup and other drinks .

    ( Immunity enhancement, fatigue recovery)

    1. Ingredients of Korean ginseng

    1. Ginseng Saponin

    When mentioning 'Korean ginseng', the first thing that comes to mind is saponins. 'Korean ginseng' contains the most abundant types of saponins. In terms of its structure, it is unmatched by any other species of Panax. The most important "saponin" among the medicinal ingredients contained in Korean ginseng is called "ginsenoside". More than 30 kinds of Korean ginseng saponins (ginsenoside) have been isolated, and they are divided into two types according to their structural characteristics. Alcohols, Triols, oleananes, etc. have different pharmacological effects. American ginseng only contains 14 saponin ingredients, while Chinese ginseng only contains 15 saponin ingredients. Each ginseng saponin ingredient has different pharmacological effects, which further proves that Korean ginseng has a wider range of superior effects.

    2.Polyacetylene compound

    At present, more than 10 kinds of polyacetylene compounds have been isolated from 'Korean ginseng'. These compounds contain ingredients that inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, have anti-platelet effects and have antioxidant activities. The polyacetylene content in 'Korean ginseng' is about 30%-60% higher than that of ginseng from other countries.

    3. Polyphenol compounds

    The polyphenol compounds of 'Korean ginseng' contain a large amount of active substances that inhibit lipid peroxidation and are related to inhibiting aging.

    4.Acidic polysaccharides

    According to reports, protein-containing polysaccharides with life defense functions and polysaccharides with anti-complement activity can be isolated from 'Korean ginseng'. According to research, acidic polysaccharides inhibit the activity of toxic hormone-L, a toxin that promotes lipolysis, and enhance immune function. Relatively speaking, the acidic polysaccharide content of 'Korean ginseng' is much higher than that of Western ginseng and Chinese Panax ginseng.

    5. Common ingredients

    'Korean ginseng' generally has higher protein, crude fiber and sugar content than ginseng from other countries. In addition, the content of adenosine or total amino acids belonging to nucleic acids, especially threonine, glutamic acid, proline, glassine, alanine, cystine and lysine, is also higher than that of ginseng from other countries.

    2. Effects of Korean ginseng

    1. Promote brain activity

    Various experimental results have proven that Korean ginseng extract and saponins can improve learning function and memory, and enhance intelligence. In addition, 'Korean ginseng' has the effect of inhibiting brain function degradation and promoting brain activity.

    2. Disease treatment and prevention

    (1) Korean ginseng has the effect of inhibiting the decomposition of insulin, resisting lipolysis, and improving diabetic complications.

    (2) Korean ginseng can strengthen the immune function and improve resistance of cancer patients. It can inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancer cells to other organs, and has an excellent effect in preventing recurrence after surgery.

    (3) Korean ginseng can be said to be a mysterious elixir that can improve hypotension, lower blood pressure to normal, and maintain normal blood pressure.

    White ginseng contains both components that increase blood pressure (Rg group) and components that lower blood pressure (Rb, Rc groups), but generally exerts a blood pressure normalizing effect. Patients with high blood pressure who take Korean ginseng will reduce the blood pressure of contractile and relaxing muscles. For patients with hyperlipidemia, it reduces blood low-density cholesterol, which not only improves cholesterol metabolism and improves high-density cholesterol lipid metabolism, but also improves the low function of endocytic cells caused by hypertension. The antihypertensive effect of Korean ginseng mainly relies on Korean ginseng saponins. Therefore, when you choose to take Korean ginseng (concentrate) with a high content of saponins, taking a large amount is more effective than taking a small amount. Korean ginseng has antihypertensive effects, calms the parasympathetic nerves as needed, keeps the autonomic nerves in balance and normal, promotes blood flow, and smoothes the blood supply to the brain, thus demonstrating the antihypertensive effect on hypotension.

    (4) Korean ginseng has preventive and therapeutic effects on arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, etc.

    The saponin component of white ginseng (especially Rb2) has been proven to reduce blood cholesterol levels and promote excretion, as well as prevent vascular lesions caused by high cholesterol blood. It can reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol levels to improve arteriosclerosis. index .

    3. Enhance immunity function

    ( 1) Korean ginseng can promote the recovery of damage caused by radiation. The key reason for recovery lies in the improvement of platelet cells.

    (2) Korean ginseng has an inhibitory effect on the reproduction of AIDS bacteria: long-term use of Korean ginseng will improve the prognosis of HIV-infected patients.

    (3) Korean ginseng can prevent the toxicity of environmental hormones: it can reduce the toxic effects of environmental pollutants that affect the endocrine system and improve sperm quality .

    (4) Korean ginseng has a detoxifying effect on heavy metals.

    4. Restore healthy functions

    (1) Korean ginseng can maintain the balance of body functions;

    (2) Korean ginseng also has preventive and therapeutic effects on gastrointestinal diseases;

    (3) Korean ginseng has a stress-relieving effect;

    (4) Korean ginseng has the effect of enhancing immune function.

    In short, Korean ginseng has many effects, which are briefly listed below:

    ★ Remove fatigue and relieve mental stress;
    ☆ relieve asthma;
    ★ Aphrodisiac;
    ☆ Cancer prevention;
    ★ Promote brain function;
    ☆ Promote bone growth;
    ★ Promote skin metabolism, whiten skin, and prevent aging;
    ☆ Eliminate dark spots and freckles, making the skin more shiny and elastic;
    ★ Increase cardiac blood output and promote blood circulation;
    ☆ Increase blood concentration and improve anemia;
    ★ Improve gastrointestinal digestion and absorption functions;
    ☆ Improve irregular menstruation;
    postpartum conditioning;
    ★ Improve early symptoms of diabetes; increase physical strength;
    ☆ Improve symptoms of physical weakness;
    promote normalization of blood pressure;
    ☆ Protect liver and relieve hangover;
    ★ Stabilizes the mind, excites or inhibits the central nervous system.

    How to take Korean ginseng powder

    Take one or two spoons and drink it with warm water, or use a small spoon to take 1-2 spoons directly orally. You can also make soup and add an appropriate amount.

    A small spoon is included in the package.

    ▶ Product classification: Health functional food.

    ▶ product type: Taekuk Ginseng   (Powder type)

    ▶ Net contents: Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 12pt; language: en-US; mso-fareast-font-family: '맑은고딕'; mso-font-kerning: 12.0pt; mso-ascii-font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; mso-bidi-font-family: +mn-cs;'>   100g x 3 Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 12pt; language: en-US; mso-fareast-font-family: '맑은고딕'; mso-font-kerning: 12.0pt; mso-ascii-font-family: ' Trebuchet MS'; mso-bidi-font-family: +mn-cs;'>bottles e (300g) .   

    ▶ Content: 100% of   6 years old korean Taekuk ginseng powder.

    ▶ How to intake : 1 spoons(1g) at a time, 2 times daily before or after each meal. Dissolve in warm water for drinking.

    ▶ Caution: Keep it in a cool place avoiding moisture and direct sunlight. Make sure to keep it refrigerated if package is opened, otherwise, it may be spoiled.

    ▶ Feature : You will enjoy a delicate flavor and taste of Taekuk ginseng Powder if dissolved in warm water prior to drinking

    Selling Point ( W e recommend to the following people)

    This is Korean Taekuk Ginseng Powder made from original Korean Ginseng Roots.

    * DIRECTIONS:Dissolve one spoonfuls of this “Korean Taekuk Ginseng Powder”

    Into one cup of warm or cold water with the enclosed tea spoon and may add some sweetener or honey for better taste if desired. Please stir well before taking. hidden by m2 cause origin

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